Links are not crawlable

Links Are Not Crawlable: Unlocking Website Visibility and SEO Potential


Links play a vital role in website navigation, user experience, and search engine optimization (SEO). However, one common issue that hinders the visibility of websites in search engine results is when links are not crawlable. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of crawlable links, the challenges posed by non-crawlable links, and effective strategies to ensure your website's links are easily discoverable by search engine crawlers.

Understanding Crawlable Links:

Crawlable links are those that search engine crawlers can follow and index. When search engine bots visit a webpage, they rely on links to navigate through the website, discover new pages, and determine the website's structure and content. Crawlable links are crucial for search engines to effectively index your website's pages and make them visible in search results.

The Impact of Non-Crawlable Links:

When links on a website are not crawlable, several challenges arise:

a. Incomplete Indexing: Non-crawlable links prevent search engine crawlers from accessing certain pages on your website. As a result, these pages may not be indexed and thus won't appear in search engine results, leading to lost organic traffic and reduced visibility.

b. Orphaned Pages: Non-crawlable links can isolate certain pages from the rest of your website's link structure. These pages, often referred to as orphaned pages, may not receive the necessary link equity from other pages, affecting their search engine rankings.

c. Poor User Experience: Non-crawlable links can also negatively impact user experience. Users may encounter broken links or dead ends when they click on links that cannot be crawled, resulting in frustration and a negative perception of your website.

Strategies to Ensure Crawlable Links:

a. Use HTML Links: Ensure that your website's links are implemented using HTML anchor tags (<a>). Avoid using JavaScript, AJAX, or other techniques that may prevent search engine crawlers from following the links.

b. Avoid Noindex and Nofollow: Review your website's meta tags and ensure that important pages are not inadvertently marked as "noindex" or "nofollow." These tags instruct search engines to exclude the page from indexing or prevent them from following the links on the page.

c. Check Robots.txt File: Examine your website's robots.txt file to ensure that it does not disallow crawling of important pages or directories. Make sure the file is correctly configured to allow search engine crawlers access to relevant content.

d. Fix Broken Links: Regularly audit your website for broken links using tools like Google Search Console or third-party website crawlers. Fix any broken links to ensure a smooth user experience and prevent search engine crawlers from encountering dead ends.

e. XML Sitemap: Create and submit an XML sitemap to search engines. The sitemap helps search engine crawlers discover and understand the structure of your website, ensuring all pages are appropriately indexed.

f. Internal Linking: Implement a comprehensive internal linking strategy. Ensure that important pages receive sufficient internal links from other relevant pages on your website. This distributes link equity throughout your website and helps search engine crawlers discover and index all pages.

Monitor and Analyze Website Crawlability:

Regularly monitor your website's crawlability using tools like Google Search Console or website auditing software. These tools provide insights into crawl errors, blocked resources, and other issues that may hinder search engine crawlers. Address any crawlability issues promptly to maximize your website's visibility and SEO potential.


Crawlable links are fundamental to ensuring that search engine crawlers can effectively discover and index your website's pages. By implementing strategies to make your links crawlable, you enhance your website's visibility, improve search engine rankings, and provide a seamless user experience. Remember, crawlable links are a critical component of SEO success, allowing you to unlock the full potential of your website in the digital landscape.

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